Welcome to the homepage of Sports Club Vabariigi Võllimees. On this page we have saved all the data about kiiking. This page reflects the direct history of kiiking as sports through the eyes of participants. Our webpage we give the word to old and young swingers.
Our club was already before the Kiiking was created, actually it started with our club. The page includes everything about the future and present about our club, also we have all the official reports of the competitions, more over, we have links to the news articles and a nice gallery. For more we have interesting documents and writings.
If you wish to experience the pleasure and pain of kiiking then contact our club. Our swing square we have comfortable conditions for first try and also the possibility to train for the ones already into the kiiking.
The best swingers of our club in 2011 are Johanna ja Ants. Johanna Sepp won open gup of Raplamaa County 2011 in kiiking with result 5,63 meters. Ants Tamme won already third time the Pärnumaa open championchip in kiiking. In 2011 the result was 6,88 meters. Ants have achieved to win 7 competitions in a row.